

As with all the best Hollywood productions, this wouldn't be complete without a few words of thanks to some of those who helped with the work at Curney over the past few years

In no particular order:



Electrics - Alan Tress


Utility & chimney breast work - Ron Wheeler and Les


General labourers - (to name a few)- Joe, Christine, Jacqui, Sam, Ann, Alan, Gary, Lynn & Eloise  


Gardening consultant - Helen Tress


Plastering and jack and Master of all trades- Chris Garland


AND, of course, for putting up with the dust, the seemingly endless mess, the constant design changes, the days when she really didn't think we would get through it, and for the labouring without complaint -  well, not too much anyway -  my


AND FINALLY, not forgetting

ME - Project Manager, plumber, carpenter, electrician (part), brickie, farmer, computer wiz, and all round............