Kitchen Refurbishment

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As we found it! - Sept 2003


Chimney breast removed; dark brickwork in centre is back of old chimney,  corner brickwork is the old bread oven

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After new windows fitted - Mar 2005. Electric oven in corner  is standing on the concrete floor which was to be removed.


Starting to replace missing slate flags - April 2005

Originally there was a very large chimney breast on one wall of the kitchen with a Stanley oil-fired range. We decided that to free up more space this should be removed and found a local builder who agreed to undertake the job in a couple of days. This he duly did, but what we didn't bargain for was the remedial brickwork which had to go all the way up to the roof - and which took a further couple of weeks. We also decided to open up the wall and fit an additional window in the corner and increase the size of the existing, very small window in the same wall. The other major job was to repair the floor in the corner between the oven and the Stanley. When the kitchen carpet was taken up we found the kitchen floor, and indeed the rest of the ground floor, comprised slate flagstones of random sizes, (but a constant 3 inches thick!). For some reason the slate flags by the oven had been replaced with a slab of concrete and one of the flags was badly cracked. The concrete was pulled up, the cracked flag cut into two smaller ones and used with other flags found around the place to repair the floor. The ceiling joists were stripped to bare wood, stained and sealed, as were the kitchen doors. Finally after much agonising over the cost we opted for an AGA (refurbished, not new!) to replace the Stanley. It was then just a case of checking out all the kitchen unit suppliers half a dozen times each before opting for our final preference - IKEA!

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Stripping paint from joists - April 2005


Finally finished - June 2005

downstairs structural