Mag's Pride and Joy - the Menage

Ready to start levelling - Feb 2004

A week later - we thought the spot chosen was fairly level!

Starting on the fencing - Jun  2004

Laying membrane and gravel- Aug 2004

Final step - wood chip on top of

    second membrane - Aug 2004

The finished article  - Sept 2004

For the non-horsey, a Menage is basically a fenced large arena with a soft surface, usually sand, wood chips or rubber particles used to exercise horse. Basic construction requires a surface to be levelled then the levelled surface covered with a geotextile membrane on top of which is laid a sub base of stone (to allow drainage of the arena). The stone is again covered with a another  geo-textile membrane and finally  the sand/woodchip/whatever. Normally a post and rail fence is constructed around the menage.

downstairs structural