Why Don't  We Have A Pond?

It seemed such a good idea at the time, after spotting the picture below of one in the Daily Telegraph which we thought would look just right in the back garden. I mean it's just a hole filled with water, shouldn't cost much or take much doing.....

                   The inspiration !

  Imitation is.....

End April 2007 - First stage, get trusty "Ron the digger man" along. (Uprooting live water pipe not  shown to avoid embarrassment!)

A couple of hours with the JCB doing the rough bit and a couple of weeks with me doing the tidying up.

End May 2007 - After casting a concrete foundation, laying a couple of courses of concrete breeze blocks and levelling out the base  with sand.

Butyl liner fitted. Budget blown because we wanted a rectangular pond so couldn't use just an ordinary sheet of rubber but needed a pre-formed liner.

Of course you need a pump in the middle of the pond - have you ever wondered how they get there?

October 2007 - after  finishing touches (adding a filtration system, laying path and edging stones, and planting a few shrubs which will in time form a hedge).

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